
On our investor pages you can find information on Sampo as an investment, such as financial reports, key figures and analyst and share information.

Why to invest in Sampo?

Sampo creates value for its shareholders through efficient and highly profitable P&C operations.

  • 2,057

    Insurance revenue, net, incl. brokerage (EURm)

  • 321

    Underwriting result (EURm)

  • 84.4

    Combined ratio (%)

  • 444

    Profit before taxes (P&C operations) (EURm)

  • 0.62

    Earnings per share (EUR)

Capital Markets Day

Sampo Group’s new financial targets and capital management framework for 2024-2026 were announced at the Capital Markets Day on 6 March 2024. 

Upcoming events

Investor calendar


Contact us 

Image: Sami Taipalus

Sami Taipalus

Head of Investor Relations

+358 10 516 0030

Image: Knut Arne Alsaker

Knut Arne Alsaker

Group CFO

+358 10 516 0010

Image: Mirko Hurmerinta

Mirko Hurmerinta

Investor Relations Manager

+358 10 516 0032

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